The main feature of the HTBC technology consists of unoxidized gaseous product extraction from the current borehole and their consequent in situ oxidation in the formation, which launches the thermodynamic potential of the system to its realization. It appears to be possible to provide gas generation explicitly in the formation. This process is based on the optimization law of bi-gas system convection. If a light gas (hydrogen) enters the system first and then a heavy one (carbon, nitrogen and ammonium oxides) follows it, then the convection speed and flow of the first gas augments as many times, as the heavy gas exceeds the weight of the light one. As a result, the gas flow and its filtration speed increase 7 times if hydrogen participates in the reaction.
*In situ process of cracking-pyrolysis reaction in the hydrogen environment
The HTBC technology hydroreactive compositions (HRC) are absolutely unique compounds, that allocate from 3,81 up to 5,64 cbm of hot active hydrogen (including the atomic one) from 1cbm of water. Atomic hydrogen formation and the chain of consequent reactions is an innovation of our developers. Atomic hydrogen derivation has been proved by the method of resonant-fluorescent spectroscopy. It has been also discovered that 1cm3 of gas contains 10 15 -13 hydrogen atoms (according to the GM counter).
The in situ formation temperature rises due to the process of oxidation of gaseous forms of HRC, hydrogen atom recombination and in situ combustion of the liberated oxygen.
After penetrating into the molecule through the closed pores, atoms of hydrogen recombine and allocate a quantum of energy, which causes the destruction of the closed pore and the fluid flow out.
The main advantage of the technology, that differentiates the HTBC from the others, is the fullness of extraction of hydrocarbons non-separable from the rock, which may be implemented to both oil and gas wells. The reason, why hydrocarbons are connected with the rock, is the clathrate compounds, relative to the interstitial type of compounds. Some scientists consider these compounds as complex ones, where the pre-valence layer electrons of the rock take part in the chemical connections. These compounds form a secondary structure of the substance, likewise as the hydrate compounds.
At least 40-50 percent of such hydrocarbons remain in the formation rock and are considered as non-recoverable. The HTBC technology disrupts the connections of clathrate and hydrate compounds, suppresses the hydrocarbons and fills in the empty space, derived in the formation, with its reaction products. The evidence of the technical efficiency is shown not only in experimental tests (even oil or gas scent is not detectable in the wellbores after the technology implementation) but in practice, too. For example, a Ukrainian coal basin Makeevsky had been remaining inactive for many years. In order to provide the safety of the mine, methane was extracted from the coal formation. As a result, many mine explosions were prevented this way.
The HTBC chemical systems for bottomhole zone cleansing and productivity intensification of oil and gas wells have a different composition from the traditional chemical systems used in the oil production industry, which impact is based on in situ cracking-pyrolisis of heavy hydrocarbon fractions.
Atoms of hydrogen recombine into a molecule, a quantum of energy is allocated. The pore gets disrupted and liberates the fluid out.
Unoxidized gaseous product extraction from the current borehole and their consequent in situ oxidation in the formation launches the thermodynamic potential of the system to its realization.
Gas flow and its filtration speed increase 7 times if hydrogen participates in the reaction.
В 1 cm3 of gas contains
10 15 -13 hydrogen atoms (according to the GM counter).
According to info on the efficiency of the technology, nearly all the wellbores exposed to treatment save the effect of the HTBC implementation from 3 up to 7 years after the procedure. For example, oil and gas wellbores, experimentally treated with the HTBC in Turkmenistan in 2010, are still working with no output decrease.
As the result of successful experimental testing, public contracts with "Turkmenneft" («Туркменнефть») and "Turkmengas" ("Турменгаз") SOEs were signed. Besides, the wellbores of the Romashkinskoye field of the Oil and Gas Production Board "Yelkhovneft" (Oil Company "Tatneft") ("Елховнефть" (ПАО «Татнефть»)) treated with the HTBC in 2013, had been working steadily for three years in a row. The research stages (explicitly after the technology implementation, in a 3-months period, in a 6-months period) show the improvement of oil composition (viscosity decrease, mechanical impurities content decrease), skin-factor decrease (from +6 to -3), structural transformation of the formation and the pressure sink generation within a radius of 80 meters from the bottomhole zone of the treated wellbore.
The released gas generates a pressure impulse that spreads in all directions. Hot gas "heads towards" the formation, where it accumulates and gets chemically connected with the formation.
During the process, gas molecules contract discretely and impulsively, which causes new fractures appearing in the rock and expanding of the existing ones.
The fractures start expanding even if the impulses (pressure, temperature) are low enough.
Nearly all the wellbores, exposed to treatment, save the effect of the HTBC implementation from 3 up to 7 years after the procedure. Some wellbores save the effect for 7+ years.
The quantity of chemical agents used within the HTBC implementation is ≈1 м3 of redox mixtures. The treatment is performed by a standard workover crew. If a wellbore is able to support free circulation no additional equipment is needed. The HTBC technology solutions are lowered into the bottomhole through the tubing system.
The wellbores, equipped with a packer, may get the solutions or other chemical agents delivered to their bottomhole with the help of coiled tubing or a pump unit.
*Comparison of the HTBC chemical reagents volume(1 cbm) to the technology of hydraulic fracturing reagents volume (50 tons)
Formation temperature – 500C
Wellbore temperature – 250C
*The example of 42 various oil wellbores.